A Proposal to Replace the Current Community Centre
A Meeting was held on Monday 25th July at which a presentation was made to explain the limited life of the present Community buildings, and to request support for new plans to replace them in the near future. Please see the presentation below for details.
The latest newsletter is published at RESIDENTS UPDATE September 2023 - Google Docs, please take the time to read it.
FLGCA August 2024 Update
At last years AGM the proposal that the FLGCA look at the possibility of obtaining a grant through Surrey County Councils Your Fund Surrey (YFS) Community Grants Scheme, for the building of a new Community Centre with enhanced facilities at a cost of approximately £2.5m was approved.
Unfortunately having done our research, and spoken at length to the YFS team, it is now obvious that we will not be able to meet the schemes criteria because the YFS scheme is looking to support as many community projects as possible and as such 100% grant funding is not possible. The scheme is looking for project applicants to have secured funding of around 50% from other sources (which for us would be in the region of £1.25m) with the YFS scheme making up the balance. We would also need to have obtained full planning consent, submitted a full business case and detailed estimate of costs. However the biggest hurdle of all is that the scheme is aimed at projects that will provide communities with new facilities that do not already exist locally. As we already have a community centre, all be it an old and tired one the YFS scheme is not really aimed at our proposal, which was to build a new community centre fit for the future, offering new and enhanced facilities for the community..
We have therefore decided to withdraw our initial application to the YFS scheme and instead commission a full structural condition survey, which will identify any structural issues with the building, what opportunities are available to make it more energy efficient as well as looking at any opportunities for possible extensions to the building or repurposing of our existing buildings.
We are very grateful to Worplesdon Parish Council who last year gave us a Grant of £10k towards the costs of investigating a YFS grant, they have very recently agreed that we can repurpose the £10k Grant towards the costs of carrying out this survey and any further works as a result of the survey.
We will continue to update Members and the Community of developments.